
Keeping/May Trade
x30 x7
Member Cards

Trading Form
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Please e-mail JessicaRaquel_E@hotmail.com for trades and include Caboodle TCG in the subject.
Trading Post
July 7th, 2009- Took sethcohen11, michaeljackson01/02/03, ifyouseekamy04, and amsterdam02
from Updates. Got whitetigers14 from sidebar freebies. Took zebras04, ladygaga11, blairwaldorf07, familyguy09, breakfastattiffanys07,
and lasvegas09 from July Freebies.
June 30th, 2009- Got 13 from new decks adriannaduncan, inrodanthe, goodcharlotte, iturntoyou,
blackpearl, keithurban, heidiklum, and wantitthatway.
June 25th, 2009- Got comeonover08 and a raffle ticket from Name the Cat. Got danserena01
and a raffle ticket from Name the Dog. Got clouds13 and a raffle ticket from Cooking with Caboodle. Got tropicthunder05 and
$5 from Guess the Trade Post. Got the breakup13 from Hangman. Got lovegame10 and ironman15 from Memory. Got oursong08 from
Card Puzzle. Levelled up, got robertdownyjr10/13, johnnydepp05, and rzombie04.
June 24th, 2009- Got 50firstdate01, jamesmarsters01, showmethemeaningofbeinglonely01, joelbenji01,
shaniatwain01, whitehorses01, and megansmith01 from Updates. Got goodluckchuck06 and a raffle ticket from Guess the Movie.
Got losangeles03 and one raffle ticket from Guess the Actor. Got leightonmeester02 and one raffle ticket from Guess the Musician.
Got nicolerichie14 and a raffle ticket from Guess the Music Video. Got notagirl04 and a raffle ticket from Guess the Dvd.
Got polarbears07 and a raffle ticket from Guess the Movie Poster. Got grapes04 and $5 from Guess the Soundtrack. Got ihatethispart04
and a raffle ticket from Guess the Lyrics. Got laurenconrad15 and a raffle ticket from Word Scramble. Got polarbears03 and
$5 from Name that Tune. Got tropicthunder07 and a raffle ticket from Costar Matchup. Got witherspoon08 and a raffle ticket
from Plot Match. Got oursong10 and a raffle ticket from Body Parts. Got paris10 and $5 from Celebrity Ad. Got robertpattinson04
and $5 from Filmography. Got familyguy04 and $5 from Guess the Album. Got tropicthunder03 and $5 from My Other Half.
Got jamesmarsters02 and $5 from Smells like Roses. Got breakfastattiffanys13 and $10 from Where Am I? Got laurenconrad06 and
$5 from Before they were Famous. Got mcadams09 and $5 from Guess the Movie Quote. Got breakfastattiffanys06 and a raffle ticket
from Guess the Animal. Got jamesmarsters05 and a raffle ticket from Baby terminology. Got penguins03 and a raffle ticket from
Grouped Together.
June 15th, 2009- Got benjiparis08, genieinabottle08, ethanward08, evamendez08, privledged08,
tropicthunder08, lovegame08, parisgellar08, shutter08, allihavetogive08, rorygilmore08, and russellbrand08 from Updates.
June 1st, 2009- Got from the bottomofmybrokenheart10, dontletmebethelasttoknow10, babyonemoretime10,
dosomethin10, 9021010, lorelaigilmore10, marley&me10, and willaford10 and holidays17 from Updates. Got darkknight10, candy14,
housewives08, polarbear01, robertdownyjr06, and sarahmarshall09 from June Freebies.
May 19th, 2009- Got milakunis04, grapefruit04, britneyspearscircus04, snowangels04, jessicsimpsonwithyou04,
akon04, 90210naomiclark04, and ericadurance04 from Updates. Exchanged bayleelittrell13, marshmellows05, hushsound12, bownies01,
disneyads05 for magickingdom14, seashells06, popcorn13, stpattysday07, and thebreakup03. Got smallville03 and one raffle ticket
from Guess the Actress. Got taylorswift07 and one raffle ticket from Guess the Actor. Got sweetestthing07 and one raffle ticket
from Guess the Music Video. Got laurenconrad02 and one raffle ticket from Guess the Cd. Got matildaledger11 and one raffle
ticket from Guess the Dvd. Got circus08 and one raffle ticket from Guess the Movie Poster. Got sweenytodd04 and money05 from
Guess the Soundtrack. Got toxic05 from Who Said That. Got heigl12 and one raffle ticket from Guess the Lyrics. Got ihatethispart06
and one raffle ticket from Word Scramble. Got familyguy14 and one raffle ticket from Co-Star Matchup. Got davidbeckham05 and
one raffle ticket from Plot Match. Got christinaricci13 and one raffle ticket from Body Parts. Got comeonover04 and $5 from
Filmography. Got amandabynes13 and $5 from Guess the Album. Got chuckblair11 and $5 from My Other Half. Got toxic14 and $10
from Reality Show Mania. Got sweenytodd01 and $5 from Two-Faced. Got rainbows08 and $10 from Where am I. Got ironman08 and
$10 from Who Am I. Got christinaricci06 and $5 from Guess the TV Quote. Got zebras07 and $5 from Guess the Movie Quote. Got
dirrty08 and one raffle ticket from Guess the Animal. Got naomiclark02 and $5 from Where in the World. Got housemd11 and one
raffle ticket from Guess the Affilate. Got jonathanrhysmeyers11 and one raffle ticket from Baby terminology. Got bradpitt14
and one raffle ticket from Grouped Together. Got lucky04 and one raffle ticket from Name the Dog. Got onetreehill10 and one
raffle ticket from Too Close. Got flowers06 from Hangman.
May 4th, 2009- Leveled up, got robertdownyjr02/03, lost02, and daughtry03.
May 3rd, 2009- Got darkknight01/02 from Pot Luck. Got timmcgraw02, forgettingsarahmarshall05,
ryan&marissa13, doctorwho12, and breakfastattiffanys05/09 from May freebies. Took katebeckinsale03, p!nk03, nickcarterhelpme03,
heels03, blackbears03, and food03 from Updates.
April 25th, 2009- Received membercard. Received sexinthecity01 for referring a member. Got
lasvegas02 and lasvegas10 from Pot Luck. Finally traded membercards with Rachael.
April 17th, 2009- Traded chuckbass13 and whitetigers11 for breakfastattiffanys14 and robertdownyjr12
from Fina. Traded pussycatdollso7 for lovestory09 from Corinna. Traded elephants13 for breakfastattiffanys11 from Racheal.
April 13th, 2009- Won pandas08 and 1 raffle ticket from Guess the Affliate. Won mgmstudies03
and 1 raffle ticket from Baby Terminology. Won audrinapatridge13 and 1 raffle ticket from Grouped Together. Won dolphins09
and 1 raffle ticket from Too Close for Comfort. Won zoolander07 and $5 from Guess the Trade Post. Won danhumphrey12 from Slots.
Won cherryblossoms08 from card puzzle. Found a pink and yellow egg! Found a yellow egg! Found another yellow egg! Found a
pink and blue egg!
April 12th, 2009- Took leis13, leis10, eastereggs01, and eastereggs07 from updates. Found
a red egg! Found a pink egg! Found an orange egg! Found a yellow egg! Found a green egg! Found another blue egg! Found another
red egg! Found another orange egg! Found another blue egg! Found another pink egg! Found another blue egg..Man whats with
blue? ;p Found another red egg! Got tigers10, kieraknightly05, blairwaldorf02, lasvegas11, robertdownyjr04 and robertdownyjr09
from april freebies in forums. Won waterfalls12 and raffle ticket from Guess the Movie. Won pandas07 and 1 raffle ticket from
Guess the TV show. Won breakfastattiffanys10 and 1 raffle ticket from Guess the Actress. Won ironman11 and 1 raffle ticket
from Guess the Actor. Won laurenconrad10 and 1 raffle ticket from Guess the Musician. Won chamberofsecretshp12 and 1 raffle
ticket from Guess the Music Video. Won johnnydepp11 and 1 raffle ticket from Guess the CD. Won london04 and 1 raffle ticket
from Guess the Dvd. Won waterfalls13 and 1 raffle ticket from Guess the Movie Poster. Won paramore08 and $5 from Guess the
Soundtrack. Won greyanatomy09 from Guess the Quote. Won lovestory13 and 1 raffle ticket from Guess the Lyrics. Won someday04
and 1 raffle ticket from Word Scramble. Won chuck10 and 1 raffle ticket from Co-Star Match. Won disneyads05 and 1 raffle ticket
from Guess the Plot. Won orlandobloom04 and 1 raffle ticket from Body Parts. Won sarahmarshell01 and $5 from Celeb Ads. Won
messageinabottle06 and $5 from Filmography. Won magazines12 and $5 from Guess the Album. Won whitetigers11 and 1 raffle ticket
from Celeb Baby. Won oursong12 and $10 from Where am I. Won lovestory02 and $10 from Who am I. Won tigers05 and $5 from Before
they were Famous. Won taylorswift05 and $5 from TV Quotes. Won laurenconrad14 and $5 from Movie Quotes. Won hilaryduff04
and 1 raffle ticket from Guess the Animal.
April 8th, 2009- Leveled up. Received robertdownyjr01, breakfastattiffanys03, jamielynnspears14,
and dogs13.
April 7th, 2009- Received starter pack. Took cherries15 from freebies.
Took breakfastattiffanys02 and breakfastattiffanys08 from updates. Won hushsound12 from Guess the Movie. Won elephants13 from
Guess the TVshow. Won ladygaga05 from Guess the Actress. Won knockedup04 from Guess the Music Video. Won hilaryduff02 from
Guess the Musician. Won disturbia06 from Guess the CD. Won chuckbass05 from Guess the Dvd. Won kellyclarkson13 from Guess
the Movie Poster. Won money05 and lucky10 from Guess the Soundtrack. Won bradpitt12 from Who said that? Won pussycatdolls07
from Guess the lyrics. Won darkknight13 from word scramble. Won darkknight08 from co-star matchup. Won robertdownyjr05 from
Plot and $5. Won robertdownyjr08 from film. Won tigers15 from Guess the Album. Won wizardofoz10 from OtherHalf. Won chuckbass13
from With the Band. Won secretwindow01 from Reality Show. Wow paramore15 from Where am I. Won $10 and sweeneytodd09 from Who
am I. Won breakfastattiffanys01 from Guess the Relationship. Won $5 and harrypotterprizoner03 from Tv Quotes. Won $5 and waterfalls10
from Movie Quote. Found blue egg!! Won mandymoore01 from guess the animal. Won bradpitt09 from baby terminology. Won
dogs08 from grouped together. Won brownies01 from name the dog. Won audrinepatridge10 from too close for comfort. Won beyonce02
from hangman. Won kieraknightly07 from slots. Won pieceofme14 from card puzzle.

