
Keeping/May Trade
Member Cards
Trading Form
Card you want
Card you are giving me
Please e-mail this to JessicaRaquel_e@hotmail.com with Abstract as the subject.
Trading Log
April 30th, 2009- Won 3 choice cards from Casino, took tattoos05/06/09. Won heartpuzzle10
from Guess the Animal. Won prejoin11, words20, and 1 choice regular card. Won waves09 from lakes,river,ocean. Won puppypuzzle06
from Guess the Landmark. Got spain11, makeup07, underwater03, venice05, and bears08 from Lucky Shamrock. Took wind04, waves13,
beachpuzzle20, tattoo10, love05, makeup01, and ladybug03 from May freebies.
April 25th, 2009- Traded puppypuzzle03, puppypuzzle11, and snow14 for iloveyou06, tattoos13,
tattoos20, weddings15, and stpatricksday14 as well as membercard with Katoshi. Got colors06, lemons16, mountains14, wind11,
landmarks20, love04, and weddings02 from Updates.
April 17th, 2009- Took hawaii01 and waterfalls03 from Index Freebies. Took snakes01/02/03
from Updates. Used 4 coupons to get tattoos02/03 and horses01/03. Won 1 coupon, venice13 and trees18 from Card Puzzle. Won
bows12 from Guess the Historical Figure. Won snow14 from Guess the Quote. Found hidden link2, got rain14, rainbows16, and
horses05. Won love08, cellphones08, abstract12, numbers20, and puppypuzzle11 from Memory. Found hiddenlink1, got sunsets02
and tattoos16.
April 16th, 2009- Received my membercard. Leveled up, received coupon for 1 choice regular,
hawaii12, waves12, and erasers01.
April 14th, 2009- Took coffee14, love01, prejoin10, tattoos01, weddings01, paris04, love02,
rain07, and horses04 from April forum freebies.
April 12th, 2009- Took rainbows03 and ladybug13 from freebies. Got event09, ladybug01, ladybug02, spring14,
spring07, and birds19 from updates. Found the camera, won sunsetpuzzle10 and sunsetpuzzle18.
April 8th, 2009- Traded sunsets12 for tattoos07 from Nikki.
April 7th, 2009- Received 2 choice reg card coupons, words01, and sunsetpuzzle04 from Hunt.
April 6th, 2009- Received starter pack. Took Hawaii02 and flowers19 from freebies. Won sunsets12,
hawaii17, and a coupon for 1 choice regular card from easy puzzle. Won autumn10 from Guess the Affliate. Won 1 choice reg
card coupon and blue08 from Guess the Artist. Won 1 choice reg card coupon, love03, and tornado20 from Guess the Flag. Won
patterns15 from Guess the Food. Won 1 choice reg card coupon, abstract02, and prejoin07 from word scramble. Won 1 choice reg
card coupon, sand17, and purple16 from Card Puzzle. Won ladybug04 from Guess the Card. Won easter13 from Historical Figure.
Won weddings16 from Quote of the Day. Won colpuzzle11 and colpuzzle15 from hard puzzle. Won chocolate08, patterns16,
patterns18, puppypuzzle03, and strawberries03 from Memory. Won beachpuzzle19 from Name the Animal. Won 1 choice reg card coupon,
abstract15, and exteriors01 from Name the Painting. Won spring16 from Oceans,Lakes,Rivers. Won starrypuzzle06 from Location.
Won popsicles05, frozendrinks07, nightsky08, teddybears06, makeup04 from Lucky Shamrock. Won fruits09, pies17, birthday11,
serenepuzzle06, and 1 choice card. I chose horses02.

