
Here you can find my cards for the music video TCG Playlist.
Retired Cards
x5 x28 x3 x2 x3
Member Cards


Trading Form
Card you want
Card you are giving me
Please e-mail this to JessicaRaquel_e@hotmail.com with Playlist as the subject.
Trading Post
July 11th, 2009- Took doitwell10, imnotokayipromise13, and secretvalentine08 from
Updates. Got ikissedagirl08, myhappyending09, and a camera from Guess the Music Video. Got circus11, sogood12, and a camera
from Guess the Female Musician. Got scream15, whenigrowup08, and a camera from Guess the Band. Got scream06, 7things05, and
a camera from Guess the Lyrics. Got thriller04, womanizer04, and a camera from Guess the Soundtrack. Got miserybusiness09,
ikissedagirl05, and a film strip from Guess the music video plot.
July 10th, 2009- Mastered Decode-Paramore, got hermorningelegance13/15, mysacrifice14,
buttons06, and givesyouhell05.
July 7th, 2009- Traded don'tstopmovin03, helena15, isaidneveragain15/09/11, sclubparty06,
theghostofyou03, welcometotheblackparade05/07 for circus01, hotncold03, justadream15, pokerface09, lovestory14, miserybusiness01,
sexonfire15, sober14, and thriller12 plus membercards with Catherine.
July 5th, 2009- Mastered Beyonces-Single Ladies, received decode10/15, gimmemore08,
monsoon06, and sclubparty06. Took comebacktome11, crymeariver09, ikissedagirl10, scream01, untillitsleeps15, michaeljacksonvideos10,
events15, album-michaeljackson-history, and album-michaeljackson-invincible from Updates. Got circus10 from Freebies.
June 28th, 2009- In memory of
Michael Jackson's passing, received thriller01/02, hermorningelegance09/11/12, singleladies13/14/15, decode06/07/08, justadream01/02/07,
pokerface02, and sexonfire05 from Updates. Got thriller09 and a camera from Guess the Band Member. Got miserybusiness14, idontloveyou14,
and an ipod from Guess the Director. Got thriller06, ifiwereaboy02, and a record from Guess the Album. Got miserybusiness15,
boomboompow07, and a camera from Guess the Song. Got clumsy13 and a camera from Memory. Got lovestory04, starsareblind12,
and a camera from Muscian Puzzle. Got circus12, myhappyending11, and a cd from Band Puzzle. Got boomboompow02/15 and a camera
from Guess the Release Date. Got pokerface13 and a camera from Guess the Affilate. Got circus02, glamorous08, and a camera
from Scramble.
June 25th, 2009- Got isaidneveragain15, outofyourmind15, and wemadeyou15 from Updates.
June 15th, 2009- Levelled up, got singleladies09, hermorningelegance05, keepsgettinbetter15,
cantspeakfrench07, potentialbreakupsong14, welcometotheblackparade07. Got givesyouhell03, murderonthedancefloor03, wheneverwherever03
from Updates. Got sober03, hotncold10, and a camera from Guess the Music Video. Got thinkingofyou13 and a camera from Guess
the Female Musician. Got wingsofabutterfly05 and album-kingsofleon-onlybythenight from Guess the CD Cover. Got sexonfire03,
sober04, and a camera from Guess the Lyrics. Got givesyouhell02, justadream03, and a camera from Guess the Soundtrack. Got
pokerface08, sexonfire09, and a film from Guess the Plot. Got sober13 from Card Puzzle. Got sexonfire11 and hermorningelegance14
from Music Video Puzzle.
June 7th, 2009- Got sayyoullbethere13, dontstopmovin03, frozen14, and a cd from Spot
the Differences. Got boomboompow01, overyou05, prettybaby12, membersfavmusicvideo13/15, events14, boomboompow11, and layouts08
from Updates. Got womanizer02, thetroublewithloveis13, hermorningelegance10, and hermorningelegance06 from Forum Freebies.
Got hermorningelegance08 and a camera from Guess the Card. Got ihatethispart05, circus13, and a cd from Guess the Station.
Got lovestory05, killinglonliness07, and a camera from Guess the Release Date. Got ifiwereaboy14 and a camera from Guess the
Affilate. Got wingsofabutterfly12 and a camera from Guess the Tradepost. Got gimmemore03, boomboompow14, and a camera from
Scramble. Got cantspeakfrench01, hermorningelegance07, and a record from Finding the Rockstar.
May 27th, 2009- Traded mysacrifice09/14 for decode03 and singleladies11 plus membercards
with Pilp.
May 26, 2009- Got glamorous04, thetroublewithloveis05, and thinkingofyou08 from Updates.
Levelled all the way up to Level Five, received hermorningelegance02/03/04, singleladies03/05/07, beautifulliar13, killinglonliness02,
suddenly12, lovestory13, beautifuldirtyrich07, mobscene10, reachout14, miserybusiness02, and one14. Got sober02 and a camera
from Guess the Male Musician. Got justadream10, helena15, and a record from Guess the Album. Got singleladies08, diealive01,
and a camera from Guess the Song. Got thinkingofyou03, energy05, and a film from Missing Lyrics. Got rehab02 and a camera
from Memory. Got the troublewithloveis06, badgirl02, and a camera from Muscican Puzzle.
May 18th, 2009- Got killinglonliness09 from Guess the CD cover. Got sober12 and sexonfire04
from Guess the Lyrics. Got justadream05 and theghostofyou05 from Guess the Soundtrack. Got moremoremore15 and lovestory09
from Guess the Music Video Plot. Got sober08 from Card Puzzle. Got pokerface01 and sexonfire02 from Music Video Puzzle. Got
hotncold09, killinglonliness05 and an ipod from Guess the Director. Got ihatethispart06, hotncold13, and a cd from Band Puzzle.
May 17th, 2009- Got allthativegot03, hermorningelegance01, killinglonliness01, moremoremore06,
myhappyending03, and theghostofyou03 from Updates. Got justadream09 from Index Freebies. Got justadream13 and lovestory03
from Card Claim. Got decode12 and lyla02 from Guess the Music Video. Got thriller08 from Guess the Female Musician. Got hermorningelegance02
from Guess the Band.
May 10th, 2009- Got events13, singleladies04/05, decode11, wingsofabutterfly02, events05,
albumprince1999 and albumprinceplanetearth from Updates.
May 6th, 2009- Got justadream08/11 from Card Claim Anna.
May 3rd, 2009- Got justadream04/06 from Card Claim Anna.
May 2nd, 2009- Took barbiegirl03, revolution03, sexonfire01, events11/12, and layouts06
from Updates. Took hotncold04, burninup06, tamborine09, and decode05 from Forum Freebies. Got mylifewouldsuckwithoutyou13,
angel05, and a cd from Guess the Station. Got hotncold11, miserybusiness05, and a camera from Release Date. Got starsareblind08/13
and a camera from Guess the Affliate. Got lovestory15 and a camera from Guess the Tradepost. Got sober15, beautifuldirtyrich02,
and a record for finding the rockstar.
May 1st, 2009- Got miserybusiness13 and sowhat09 from Card Claim Becca. Got ani-decode
and ani-pokerface from Card Claim Anna.
April 27th, 2009- Took withu04 from freebies. Took heymrbig04, mobscene07, sweetdreamsmylaex02,
albumtaylorswiftfearless, albumhimrazorbladeromance, and albumhimlovemetal from Updates.
April 25th, 2009- Leveled up, got decode01, singleladies02, hotncold14, electric06,
and tellmesomethingidontknow09. Received membercard. Got becauseofyou13, biggirlsdontcry08, dontstopmovin03, issues06, secretsecret07,
welcometotheblackparade05 from Updates. Won outtamyhead03 from Male Musician. Won damaged04 and tourniquet08 from Guess the
Director. Won mysacrifice14 and pokerface15 from Guess the Album. Won singleladies06 and burninup04 from Guess the Song. Won
likeme03 and monsoon14 from Missing Lyrics. Won dirty03 from Memory. Won damaged06 and ifiwereaboy15 from Musician Puzzle.
Won sowhat11 and bringmetolife03 from Group Puzzle.
April 17th, 2009- Got lovestory01 and miserybusiness12 from Card Claim.
April 15th, 2009- Traded badgirl11 for decode02 from Catherine.
April 12th, 2009- Received starter pack. Got prettygirl08, singleladies12, and teenagers02
from updates. Took angel08 from freebies. Won singleladies01 and wingsofabutterfly10 from Guess the Music Video. Won lyla01
from Guess the Female Musician. Won wingsofabutterfly09 from Guess the Group. Won circus07 from guess the cd cover. Won neveragain11
and energy12 from guess the lyrics. Won damaged02 and buttons07 from guess the soundtrack. Won teardropsonmyguitar11 and ifiwereaboy13
from guess the music video plot. Won fly01 from card puzzle. Won badgirl11 and frozen07 from music video puzzle. Won distubia08
and buttons12 from guess the director. Won sway15 and hotncold14 from guess the album. Won singleladies10 and rehab10 from
guess the song. Won ifiwereaboy07 and gimmemore11 from missing lyric. Won damaged14 from memory. Won rehab13 and gimmemore09
from musician puzzle. Won distubria and gimmemore14 from band puzzle. Won neveragain09 from guess the card. Won mylifewouldsuckwithoutyou07
and beautifulliar09 from guess the station. Won neveragain15 and circus05 from guess the release date. Won wingsofabutterfly01
from guess the affliate. Won decode13 from guess the trade post. Found the rockstar, won ihatethispart08 and shakeitoff01.

