
Member Cards
x5 x2 x2
Trading Form
Card you want
Card you are giving me
Please e-mail this to JessicaRaquel_e@hotmail.com with Melange as the subject.
Trading Log
July 12th, 2009- Got hp308, hp405, hp508, hp6premiere12, quidditch07, and magic01 from Updates.
Got hp410 from Sidebar Freebies. Got water02 from Hold your Tongue. Got memfav-abstract07 from Beat the Elements. Got versace06
from The Final Countdown. Got troygabriella07 from Public Relations. Traded hp308, hp508, hp6premiere12, and quidditch07 for
ironman09/15, sarahmichellegellar05, and paramore15 from Allison. Got events17 from HPEvent. Got hp411, green03, mfanimals15,
clothespins12, cateblanchett13, and my hogwarts letter from Event Challenge1. Got entourage01 and tokyo15, waiting for
email from Events Challenge2. Got sclub712, edwestwick03, metallica08, ipod04, yummytreat12, and a nimbus2000 from Events
Challenge3. Found the snitch, got the goldensnitch, ashleepete02 and forests14, completed Event Challenge4. Passed scavengerhunt,
received sortinghat and completed Event Challenge2. Got hogwartsbadge, edwardbella01, and horses05 for completing Event Challenge5.
Traded in all 5 event pixels for horses07/08/09, twilight04/05/06, jamesmarsters01/02/06, sarahmichellegellar03/06, and edwardbella02.
July 11th, 2009- Traded rupertgrint06 for jamesmarsters08 from Aleisha.
July 9th, 2009- Got ashleygreene09, chickadees13, and sydney08 from Updates. Got a laptop
and bchairspuzz09 from Scrambled eggs. Got psych07 from Burning Up. Got mattdallas02 from High Cuisine. Got istanbul10
from Pass the Menu. Got puma08 from Food for Thought. Leveled up, got twilight02/03, friends11, and cupcakes14. Traded westlife12
for sarahmichellegellar04 plus membercards from Shalini. Traded cornfields03 for horses10 plus membercards with Nanhoi.
July 8th, 2009- Traded rainbow12 for twilight09 from Allison. Traded memfavwater12 for edwardbelle03
and sarahmichelle15 from Cannus.
July 5th, 2009- Traded membercards with Allison. Got evanescense12, westlife12, samanthawho12,
rainbow12, madrid12, mfwater12, and events16 from Updates. Got liverpool09 from Freebies.
July 2nd, 2009- Traded bicycles03 for horses13 and membercards with Cannus.
July 1st, 2009- Got leightonmeester08 for notifying that my starter pack was up. Got pushingdaisies03,
csiny03, bicycles03, cornfields03, peppermintcandy03, mfcandy03, lazyday03, events15, sarahmichellegellar01/02, ireland02,
jamesmarsters04/13, ipod01, magicgardenpuzz01, and memfavanimals10 from Updates. Received membercard. Got gossipgirl10,
fish05, magicgardenpuzz07, jamesmarsters05, house03, and twilight01 from July Freebies. Got rain11 from Name that Tune. Got
satc04 from Entertainment Weekly. Got lazyday05 from Tv Guide. Got seashells01 from Celeb Lookalike. Got gilmoregirls09 and
a hairdresser from Piece of Me. Got leaves09, reading01, and horses03/04 for leveling up.
June 29th, 2009- Received starter pack of horses01/06/11, supernatural06, house11,
apples09, greysanatomy06, cocktailumbrellas03, piers10, tokyo14, elegant02, and a hairdryer token. Got willelizabeth04, gucci01,
elegant11, jamesmarsters03, ireland01, and clueless05 from June Freebies. Got rupergrint06 and littlemermaid06 from Updates.
Took fish12 from Freebies. Got cheerleading02 from Name that Tune. Got jensenackles14 from Entertainment Weekly. Got pinkflowers10
from TV Guide. Got blackwhite06 from Celeb LookAlike. Got clothespins05 and a hairdresser token from Piece of Me. Got pcd15
and a cellphone token from Two Thumbs Up. Got morningmusume14 from Stamp your Passport. Got mfactor05 and a hairdresser from
Lost Luggage. Got clothespins09 from Compass. Got bchairspuzz06 and a laptop from Scrambled Eggs. Got ironman03 from High
Cuisine. Got strawberries14 from Pass the Menu. Got marbles13 from Food for Thought. Got jackdavenport09 from Hold your
Tongue. Got mfmovies12 and horses02 from Beat the Elements. Got apples13 from Final Countdown. Got moose01 from Public Relations.
Got paramore14, gold07, penguins10, stop12, mfactor07, hairdresser, and cellphone from Free for All.

