Member Cards
Trading Form
Card you want
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Please e-mail this to JessicaRaquel_e@hotmail.com with Lion&Lamb as the subject.
Trading Log
July 11th, 2009- Traded moving04, eclipse03/06 for intheballetstudio12 and savingbella09/10 from Kitty. Traded
buongiorno10 for almostaccident14 plus membercards with Becca. Bought almostaccident12 from Alices Shopping Spree. Got transformations07,
newmoontrailer113 from Card Claim.
July 10th, 2009- Took charlie08, fallinginlove09/14, darkalley03, event4thjuly, and event1000cards from Updates.
Got twilightdvd01 and promoshoot112 from Feedback Form. Got vman01 from Lottery. Chose Rathbone from pick me and got one card
of choice, chose almostaccident11. Got eternal01 from Char Trivia. Got savingbella07 and mother09 from Edwards Cd Collection.
Got gifted06, darkalley02, and 10k from Puzzled. Got wolf02, 10k, broughthimtolife02, and transformations12 from Quotable.
Got transformations13 and eclipse03 from Scrambled Scenes. Got newmoontrailer111, protective08, and 100k from Which Character.
July 9th, 2009- Traded understated06 for protective01 from Phallyca. Traded whoarethey08 for protective02
plus membercards with Mary.
July 7th, 2009- Traded membercards with Polarspider. Traded the meadow03/12/15 for vanityfair01, intheballetstudio02/06
from Hayley. Leveled up, received almostaccident09/10, vixen05, whoarethey08, and decode08.
July 6th, 2009- Received mudpies08, savingbella05, youbroughtasnack03, and almostaccident07 from Cullen Group
Challenge#1 rewards. Donated savingbella05 to Cullen Group Challenge#2.
July 5th, 2009- Got lottery ticket. Traded buongiorno13, carlisle15, moving14, and newmooncovers14 for protective05/06
and pattinson07/13 from Kitty. Traded alicesvision05 for prom10 plus membercards with Phallyca.
July 3rd, 2009- Finally passed Am History and got wisdom14, almostaccident08, gifted08, summer0907, and 10k!
July 2nd, 2009- Traded membercards with Hayley.
July 1st, 2009- Traded membercards with Sam. Got iflookscouldkill01, confrontation09, themeadow12, and firstkiss10
from GrandOpening Freebies. Traded in prejoinpuzzle cards and got whenmenchaseme14 in return. Received eventgrandopening card.
Got googleit15 and empathic07 from Before they were Vampires. Got googleit13, rosalie09, protective09, broughthimtolife06,
confrontation10, 10k, transformations02, and almostaccident05 from Blended Family. Got intheballetstudio15 and vanityfair07
from Slots. Got wolf03, fornow07, and 10k from Puzzled. Got greene07 and choices14 from Vampire Venom. Donated goldenonion11
to Cullengroupgame.
June 30th, 2009- Got newmooncovers14, alicesvision05, themeadow03, understated06, prom06, and layout02/05 from
Updates. Received prejoin badge. Got alicesvision03, vanityfair09, eclipse06, summer0913, and $10k from Algebra Class. Got
twilightdvd08, newmooncovers02, whenmenchaseme06, summer0911, and 1k from Art Class. Got itstime12, youbroughtasnack11, broughthimtolife13,
summer0910, and 100k from Biology Class. Got goldenonion11, moving14, edward14, googleit08, summer0912, and 100k from Grammer
Class. Traded vman07 for almostaccident06 plus membercards with Kitty. Got passion13, youbroughtasnack04, $500, choices15,
10k, confrontation15, rosalie14, it'stime05, savingbella13, and summer0904 from Gym Class. Got carlisle15, iflookscouldkill10,
vanityfair06, legends04, summer0905, and 100k from Spanish I class. Levelled up, got almostaccident01/02, themeadow15, pattinson11,
and promoshoot115.
June 29th, 2009- Received membercard. Took 07 from decks jasper, rathbone, choices, eternal, and vman from
Updates. Took firstkiss12 from Freebies.
June 27th, 2009- Got legends15 for letting Manda know my starter pack was up.
June 25th, 2009- Received starter pack of almostaccident03/04, buongiorno15, decode05, fristkiss15, gifted14,
moving04, mudpies05, prejoinpuzzle09, wisdom10, and $10. Received manda's membercard for applying for my own. Got buongiorno10
from Freebies. Got vanityfair13 and newmoontrailer115 from Card Claim. Got jacob04, protective11, buongiorno13, and prejoinpuzzle10
for completing feedback survey.