Smitten TCG

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Here you can find all my cards for Smitten, a relationship based TCG. If you decide to join, please say JessRaquel referred you.

Special (Not for Trade)
x20 x11 x18 x5 
Member Cards
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Trading Log
July 7th, 2009- Traded evewalle04 for babyjohnny04 from mainmise.
June 7th, 2009- Got 10cn, 5rstokens, and $50 from all my special events. Traded aragornarwen101 for simbanala13, waiting on membercard, with Jessica. Got samdonna01/02, sylarmaya08, garysally15, heroes06/10, and event26 from Updates. Got bellaedward13 from Freebies. Got annienick09 and $20 from Easy Piece of Mind. Got tenthdonna05 and $20 from Matchmaking. Got annettesebastian11 and $20 from Slots. Got maxlogan04, shawngus11, $50, and a cntoken from Medium Puzzle. Got daisymason14, mistyash13, $50, and a cntoken from Lyrics. Got harveygordon04, terrijay03, $50, and a cntoken from Secret Lover.
May 26th, 2009- Took fredgeorge502, rolfeliesl02, booneshannon02, cameronjohn02, simonkaylee02, anastasiadimitri02, royalattraction01/02/03, meganrosesage01/02 from Updates. Got mistyash02 and 20money from A Easy Piece of my Mind. Got izziedenny11 and 20money from Matchmaking. Got dougkate02 and 20money from Threes Company.
May 20th, 2009- Levelled up, got ichabodkatrina04/05, bellebeast04, and zimgir03. Traded belasam09 for annettesebastian02 plus membercards with Wendy. Traded robinbarney12 for perditapongo09 plus membercards with Rachel T.
May 18th, 2009- Got buffyangel15 from Freebies. Took anniegilbert101/115, robinbarney12/14, and thehobbits01/02 from Updates. Got jesssam06 and 20money from easy puzzle. Got perditapongo11 and 20money from matchmaking. Got deanrory06 and 20money from Lottery. Got ichabodkatrina06 and 20money from Love Story. Got perditapongo07 and 20money from Guess the Affliate. Got buffyangel04, perditapongo03, 50money, and a token from Lyrics. Got lucaspeyton10, jackianto10, 50money, and a token from Soulmates.
May 10th, 2009- Took doddyfrenchy02, arwenelrond01, ichabodkatrina01/02, and 03 for getting my wish granted, and sarahfreddie01/03 from Updates. Tradedwesleyfred04 for perditapongo06 plus membercards with Sarah. Got buffyangel06 and 20money from Matchmaking.
May 4th, 2009- Traded mothersday0909 and harveygordon01 for carriebig03, babyjohnny06/09 and membercards from Allison.
May 3rd, 2009- Got carriebig04 from Freebies. Took 01 from elizabethdarcy, peterelle, harveygordon, calrose, aragonarwen, bobgreta01/02, motherday901, and event21 from Updates. Received membercard. Got eunchanhankyul07 and 20money from Piece of my Mind. Got calliegeorge01 and 20money from Matchmaking. Got bellaedward01 and 20money from Words. Got andohiro02 and 20money from Love Story. Got perditapongo05 and 20money from Lovers Abroad. Got alicejasper01, annettesebastian09, 50money, and a token from Lyrics. Got amykiff06, jackelizabeth103, 50money, and a token from Secret Lovers. Got jackelizabeth104, alexizzie05, 50money, and a token from Soulmates. Got eun chanhankyul08, 20money, belasam09, 20money, tonyziva02, 20money, babyjohnny15, wesleyfred04, 50money, syaoransakura08, evewalle04, and 50money from Pieces of my Heart.
April 30th, 2009- Received jamielandon02 as an extra card for my starter pack.
April 29th, 2009- Received starter pack of perditapongo01/08/13, benderphillip13, rosalieemmett09, calrose12, paceyjoey15, simbanala07, and davidbillie08.