Popcorn TCG

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Here you can find my cards for Popcorn, a movie based TCG. If you join, please say JessRaquel referred you.

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Trading Post
May 26th, 2009- Got 24redemption01, princessdairies201, twilight01, xmenlaststand01, x2xmenunited01, and xmen01.
May 18th, 2009- Got sleepyhollow04/05/06/08/09/10, menintights04, interview02, and breakfastclub02 from Updates.
April 27th, 2009- Took layouts07, sleepyhollow03, breakfastclub07, curseblackpearl03, knightstale03, menintights07, menintights03, and legallyblonde01 from updates. Got menintights02 and queenofdamned08 from Card Claim.
April 16th, 2009- Received membercard.
April 15th, 2009- Received starter pack of sleepyhollow07/18/19, underworld01, mrandmrssmith07, acinderellastory10, urbanlegend08, and residentevil18. Found an egg, got lady&thetramp08, knightstale01, prejoin07, prejoin02. Found another egg, got theblackdahlia04, brideofchucky02, iceprincess07, childsplay02, moulinrouge01. Found another egg, got steelmagnolias10, queenofthedamned03, oceanseleven01. Won butteredpopcorn, curseblackpearl02, and enchanted18 from Hairspray. Won misscongenality17 and sixthsense19 from Speechless. Won kettle popcorn and texaschainsaw15 from the Devil wears Prada. Won gonein60seconds11 and whoframedroger12 from Bridget Jones. Won a cinderellastory09 from Little Secrets. Won plain popcorn, enchanted12, and curseblackpearl11 from Quiz Show. Found the last egg, won prejoin 11/09/26. Won acinderellastory07 and cruelintentions08 from Showtime. Won cheese popcorn, interview12, and walktheline01 from music&lyrics. Won devilwearsprada01 and breakfastclub07 from Dazed & Confused. Won kettlepopcorn, princessbride08, and batmanbegins12 from Picture Perfect. Won legallyblonde08 from Young People. Won plainpopcorn and tarzan07 from Almost Famous. Won butterpopcorn and wizardofoz07 from The Prestige. Took clueless01, marypoppins06, queenofthedamned18, aknightstale02, curseofpearl01, menintights01, interview01, lionking01 from Forum April Freebies. Received dirtydancing07 for notifying that my cards were up. Got ladyandthetramp04 and spiderman13 from The Dark Knight. Won devilwearsprada02 and urbanlegend09 from Back to the Future. Leveled up, got everafter08, cityofangels08, sleepyhollow01, sleepyhollow02.